Saturday, December 18, 2010

How to show your feelings and expressions?



Feelings of happiness
·      Jason was whistling merrily as he walked home from school.
·      Mary looked very pleased when her friends sang her a song.
·      Steve was grinning from ear to ear when his parents praised him.
·      Julian flushed with delight when he was declared as the winner of the competition.
·      Peter skipped home cheerfully after school.
·      The girls were in high spirits when they realised that they have made it to the final round of the singing competition.
·      The dog wagged its tail happily as it followed its owner for a walk in the park.
·      She was as happy as a lark.
·      She felt surrounded by angels of joy.
·      Felt jubilant.
·      Glow of happiness.
·      Giddy with joy.
·      Flushed with happiness.
·      Twinkled with happiness and she grinned from ear to ear.
·      Bursting with joy.
·      All smiles.
·      Shrill with excitement.
·      Pulses raced.
·      Tingled with excitement.
Feelings of tiredness
·      Ling Ling was completely exhausted after a long day at work.
·      She collapsed in exhaustion on her big bed.
·      Samuel rubbed his weary eyes, trying to keep himself awake.
·      He dozed off immediately after he sat on the couch.
·      After a night of computer games, his eyes were bleary.

Feelings of curiosity
Feelings of fear
Feelings of disappointment
Feelings of anger

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