Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Definite Article: The

The following instances was learned by me and now I will share with you.
1. To refer to a particular thing or person
    Examples: Is that the man who hits you?
                    The ruler you are using is mine.

2. To refer to someone or sth that has been mentioned before
    Examples: I have a new bicycle and a scooter. The bicycle was given to me by my uncle.
                    I bought a science book. The science book was recommended by my teacher.

3. To refer to the names of rivers, seas, mountains ranges, island groups, countries (a union of smaller states),
    Examples: My teacher is from the Philippines.
                    Captain Flint sailed the Indian Ocean and climbed the Alps.
4. To indicate sth which is the only one of its kind
    Examples: The sun is a large ball of fire.
                    The moon is a rocky body about 2160 miles in diameter.

5. Used with the comparative and superlative degree
    Example: Julie is the most stubborn of all her sisters.
6. Used for a specific groups of people
    Example: The girls will meet me at the cinema.
***1. Do not use the before the names of roads. towns, states, countries o other proper nouns  
          Example: My sister is staying in Paris.
      2. Do not use the before names of games and activities
          Example: My brother is taking squash lessons.

Sources: Secondary Grammar Practice FORM 5
              Fokus SPM SEPT 2009 By Hendry Lawson

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