Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hardly monotonous SIMILES

(A - H)
as active as quicksilver
as arid as the sands of Sahara
as angry as a bull
as broad as Heaven’s expanse
as brainless as a chimpanzee
as bashful as a schoolgirl
as chaste as a lily/Minerva
as certain as Christmas/the rising of the morning sun
as cheeky as a young bantam cock
as confident as Hercules
as contrary as black and white
as convincing as the multiplication tables
as dangerous as machine guns
as deceptive as the mirage in a desert
as devoted as a mother
as difficult as a Greek puzzle
as easy as ABC/winking
as eloquent as Cicero
as fabulous as Aladdin’s ring
as faithful as a dog
as fast/quick as lightning
as flimsy as gauze
as frail as flowers/a lily
as frigid as an iceberg
as generous as a lord
as greedy as a hog
as heavy as an elephant
as hot as hell
as hungry as a wolf
as humble as a worm
as honest as a mirror

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