Friday, November 26, 2010

FINAL EXAM BC P1: 一幅感人的画面 /未完成

     哥哥有责任心,时常帮爸妈做家务。他一板一眼的帮忙洗碗,收衣服等, 但从不发怨言。“哀哀父母,生我劬劳”,是他的法则。当塑胶袋是书包,在同窗的嘲笑中,我们执著着。

(朋友们,故事的发展由你继续  。。。。。。发挥你们的想象力吧!)
立刻点击‘评论'  。

Thursday, November 18, 2010

English Paper 1 Section A-Informal Letter (FINAL EXAM)

Any wrong in grammar or others, please give your comments and advices. Thank You!!!

P.O.BOX 344
Taman Subject
96507, Bintangor

1 November 2010

Dear anonymous,

   How are you? I hope you are in the pink of health. Please send my regards to your parent.
                I wrote this letter aimed to tell the ways you can improve in your studies and pass exams with flying colours. First and foremost, you should never underestimate your abilities. If you failed in your exam, avoid being dejected, depressed and upset. Instead, you have to do correction and regularly revise all your subjects in order to prepare in your next exam. Keep in mind do not study at last minute.

                When you are in hot soup, please to be brave and seek assistance and guidance by enrolling in a good tuition centre. Gradually, you will learn more besides the lessons in the class. Undeniably, you must be more confident and set time for revision, as ‘Procrastination is the thief of time’. For example, you fixed time for recreation, sports and studies in balance for optimum study because the brain thinking fast and more efficiently.

                Do not forget to get help from other friends who are good at different subjects. In study, we have to asking and learning, especially from friends. During free time, you may read widely and extensively to improve your language skills. For instance, you can choose the selection of good language magazines like Readers’ Digest, ‘Dewan Siswa’ and so on. You have to copy and consult dictionary for perplexed and new words.

                Ultimately, ‘Time is precious’ and you  have to fasten the rate you study as SPM is just around the corner. During exam, you have go through the notes in a nutshell. I wish you will do your best and succeed. I think your marks will rocket soon.
Yours sincerely,

Friday, November 12, 2010

Deforestation is at its peak

                                                                                                    (Source: WWF 2005

Friday, November 5, 2010

Frasa-frasa yang boleh dipraktikkan dalam PENULISAN.....

1. ambil mudah
2. tidak ambil kisah
3. menutup mata
4. membuka mata
    Ayat Contoh: Semua pihak harus membuka mata terhadap kepentingan menabung.
    Ayat Biasa: Semua pihak harus menyedarkan diri terhadap kepentingan menabung.
5. menemui ajal
6. memekakkan telinga
7. buah mulut
    Ayat Contoh: Masalah pembuangan bayi sering menjadi buah mulut masyarakat.
    Ayat Biasa: Masalah pembuangan bayi sering menjadi polemik yang hangat diperkatakan.
8. mengadunkan satu kombinasi usaha yang cukup padu                                         
9.  menagih komitmen
10. memerah otak
11. mengundang kontroversi
12. menggembleng kudrat= berganding bahu/ tangan
13. mati akal: buntu fikiran/ tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi
14. titik peluh: hasil usaha yang sungguh-sungguh
15. mencari jalan

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