Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Siri 441 - Frasa Kerja Transitif

Friday, August 13, 2010

Selamat sejahtera cikgu. Cikgu, `Saya menyertai pertandingan nyanyian’ atau `menyertai dalam pertanding nyanyian’? Sekian, terima kasih.
Drp Cikgu Lau

Ayat yang betul ialah `Saya menyertai pertandingan nyanyian’. Dalam bahasa Melayu, kata kerja transitif hendaklah diikuti kata nama. Oleh hal yang demikian, kata kerja `menyertai’ tidak boleh diikuti oleh kata `dalam’ kerana kata `dalam’ ialah kata sendi nama. Oleh itu, kata `menyertai’ perlu diikuti oleh kata nama atau frasa nama, iaitu `pertandingan nyanyian’.

Source: Blog Cikgu Abdul Ghalib (

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Took when I was in Form Three...

One year ago...
Now, Some of them had been dispersed from sight (often). But, it is difficult trying to encompass the hard works that we had accumulated along the way (Strive for PMR)!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Describing a morning walk in a hilly rural area

Morning walkers would cherish spending a weekend taking a long walk down the countryside. Getting up early in the morning, quarter to five, one takes a quick brush and facewash, packs some snacks and water in a backpack, don the trackpants, and out one goes for a full four hours of strolling through nature's bounty.
The break of dawn is still an hour away, and just outside the city limits, one is accosted by the cuckoo's mesmerising notes -- the summer is on, and mango trees are laden with a bountyfull of green mangoes. Gradually, as the first rays of lights glimmer and shine across the landscape, a fine vista of criss crossing fields opens up, dotted by small hills at some distance. Small patched of agricultural lands, arranged in no particular order and interspersed with thick trees appear on either sides.
A mile ahead, walking slowly on the sides trying to stay clear of passing vehicles that zoom in and out once in a while, one gradually comes near the hills. Now the body has begun to respond well to the movements of the limbs and the flow of fresh, cool air one breathes. The momentum has now set in, and the legs appear to walk effortlessly, one foot gliding over the other as if trying to be the first to land ahead.
An hour later, it is time to stop. Perspiration has made its apperance finally, and the empty stomach demands attention. A few quick snacks and a mouthful of water does the trick, and one is on the way back from a journey that promises to never end, though end it must, as all things do.

(Sources: walk_in_a_hilly_rural_area)