Friday, July 23, 2010

Useful Phrases

I had found some useful phrases which are intriguing and sharing with you...

to be on cloud nine- very pleasant/ happy
slower than molasses in January-very, very slow!
a head like a sieve- to be absent-minded
like a cat on a hot tin roof- feeling uncomfortable
at the wit`s end- to be very-very frightened
to put one`s hair on ones chest- to encourage somebody to do something
couch potato- someone who spends a lot of time sitting in front of the TV-screen
to be at one`s moms- to be a newbie
as arid as the sands of Sahara- parched/ dry
as jealous as a Spaniard- envious
cost an arm and a leg- very expensive! "The house cost us an arm and a leg, but we have no regrets."
blow a fuse- lose temper and become very angry. "Charlie blew a fuse yesterday when he discovered that his iPod had been stolen."

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